Seeds for Success

Drying Immature Corn

Drying Immature Corn

Early frost at harvest can lead to high or uneven moisture, low test weights and increased foreign material, resulting in lower-quality grain that may not store as well. Careful planning and management of drying and storage can help maintain yield when early frost hits.

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Benefits of strong brace roots

Benefits of strong brace roots

For a productive growing season, a corn plant’s brace roots are essential. Brace roots serve as an anchor, while also contributing to nutrient and water uptake. For healthy brace roots, quality genetics and planting standards are needed. Combining AgVenture seed with the Maximum Profit System™ planting standards will set you up for success and strong brace roots.

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"It’s like I have an extra person working for me. I have a little less stress I don’t have to endure myself. They really treat you like family. They don’t just treat you like you’re a sale and that’s it."

– Ped Wilson, Wabash County